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03 March 2017

The Differences between A boss and A leader

To Be a boss is the dream of every person because we can give orders to its members arbitrarily. Everything is always someone who will do it and the boss just needs to shake feet on a comfortable chair. Even out of the door was an existing opened it as a great king. But have you ever thought you had to be a good leader for your team. Is the figure of a boss can be said as a leader?

Every boss certainly has the properties like give orders to his team to do what he wants. But in contrast to the mindset of a good leader. A good leader is one who can motivate and inspire his team to be better, which is part of their not consider themselves to be higher than his team. leaders are those who are willing to sacrifice, help, manage and can keep an eye on each side of the performance as well as the vision and mission statement of their shape. He is always looking for ways to learn how to lead a good and liked by everyone. In the sense of the word, everyone can be the boss but did not become a leader.

Managing a team does not make you a leader, and ineffective leadership often result in poor performance and high turnover. In fact, one reason people quit their jobs caused a bad boss. we must possessing the right qualities to lead and inspire a team can be both rewarding and a real challenge. Are your leadership method more constructive or destructive? Take the test and find out.

Below are some of differences between a boss and a leader, a boss and a leader seems to have a very significant difference that we should know


A boss the think of ways to show his autority and demans respect. Instead of learning it. He will do whatever it takes to maintain his power and control.
A leader inspire his team to grow and learn. He challenges his team by recognizing their strengths while helping them improve their weaknesess.

Nothing gets past a boss. He watches every move his team makes and analyzes every mistake. He criticizes his team and threaten when they perform poorly

A leader look for ways to improve his team. His praise their successes and jump in to helpwhen roadblock arise

A boss hear input from his team but doesn’t act on it. He believes his team should put their heads down and just get it done. No feedback necessary

Listening to his team is crucial to a leader’s success. He constantly encourages feedback and take action when they are concern. New ideas areconsidered as valueable as his own

I need you to do this. You must do this by Friday. When he give order. His team must fullfil his requests- no question asked. When a project is not completed on time he scolds the team.

What do you think? Are you able to do this by Friday? A leader makes sure his team has the time and resources to finish the project. If not he seeks out ways to help without placing blame
Hand Off

A boss makes a dicisions and leave the work up to his team. He’s uninterested in the status unless it derectly affects him His hand Off style leads  his team to hide issues that could upset the project outcome.
Hand On

A leader allows full anatomy but recognizes when he need to get involved. His team reports issues immediately. So they can be dealt with appropriately. When necessary, he dives in to show the team how it’s done.

A boss believes work come first. That mean he should be able to reach his team at any time of day or night. They are no excuses for why something can’t be done  right when he demans

The leader understands the need for work/life balances. He encourages his team to take breaks one in a while. He respects his team’s time away for work and plans project accordingly.
Unclear and imposible goals

A boss demans goals be met at all cost. He ever changging mood determines the goals. So all team is confused and frustrated.  They’re afraid to ask questions. So time is wasted determining priorities and strategy.
Clear and Realistic Goal

A leader’s  top priority is to make sure everyone shares a commont goal. He creates team objective  and key result to help the team understand the main objective and how they can contribute
Favorite Mug “I’m always right”

A boss thinks he know best. No one should questions his autority or decisions. A boss will never run a successfull or happy team until he decides to learn how to lead.

Favorite Mug “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other” john F. Kennedy

A leader is much student as he is a teacher. He requests feedback on how he can be a better leader. Communicator and overall team player.


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